UIC Innovation Center, Kuntai Mansion

DUTS Design has recently completed the interior renovation design of Beijing Chaowai Kuntai Building. The building has been upgraded from a traditional business building to the Chaowai Street Industrial Innovation Demonstration Zone, becoming an "energy field" that activates innovation in all aspects.


DUTS design team started the innovation journey with the "Canopy Art Gallery" through horizontal penetration. DUTS design team placed a "canopy" in the first&second floor space of the building, defining a new "second three-dimensional curtain", which also became a visual hammer on the facade. Through projection and digital interactive presentation, the first-floor lobby can instantly transform into a concert hall, fashion show, multi-functional exhibition hall, etc., adding more humanistic and fashionable life experience to the office space.


DUTS design team created the UIC three-dimensional innovation canyon, which became a CO-LAB that inspires innovation. The design team used architectural deconstruction techniques to place a three-dimensional staircase across the 8th-12th floors, cleverly resolving the height difference between the main building and the podium, creating a multi-connected "three-dimensional innovation canyon". The "Innovation Valley" breaks the characteristic of traditional office buildings that are only horizontally connected, and becomes a "vertical community" and CO-LAB, which stimulates people's innovation and shows the emerging vitality of Chaowai Street's industrial innovation to the world.


In  Chaowai  area  of  Beijing,  the  exploration  for  innovation  is  kicking  off  at  the  UIC Innovation Center. The space experience that inspires creativity, the innovative practice leads the future and the vibrant contemporary urban lifestyle is being staged here.


Beijing Jinzhao Real Estate Development Co.
Chaowai Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing
02 设计团队利用空间的挑高优势,将一张“天幕”置入其中©︎吴清山
05 通过投影与数字交互的呈现,首层大堂可以瞬间变身成为复合型空间
09 设计团队利用现状的挑高中庭,以建筑解构的手法,创新性的置入了一个纵贯8-12层的立体楼梯©︎吴清山
10 通过建筑解构打造出的立体社区©︎吴清山
11 通过设计大台阶和开敞楼梯,化解各楼层间的高差,联通“垂直社区”©︎吴清山
14 在这里,人们可以坐在阶梯上参加活动,聆听讲座,与合作伙伴沟通洽谈;还可以欣赏城市街景,放松身心©︎吴清山
15 “创新峡谷”不仅在内部激发了人们的创造力,还向世界展示出朝外大街产业创新的新兴活力©︎吴清山
19 灵感交流区,多元融合的创新“能量场”©︎吴清山
20 平层办公区©︎吴清山
23 餐厅区亦可满足多人聚餐,快速就餐,商务会客等多种需要©︎吴清山
24 放松全时段客座休闲区,为顾客提供休闲、交流空间©︎吴清山
25 标准层公区走道©︎吴清山
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